Monday 26 April 2010

Module 2, Hybrid.

This is my first brief that I did at the beginning of the year. Brent (the Tutor) gave us all two words that didn't belong together and we had to put them together. The two words that I was given was Rattle Snake and Hammer. I thought that this could be fun.

At the beginning of the year, I was trying to get used to living away from home, aswell as beginning away from home. I was getting a bit home sick. I felt abit ambushed and I was struggling. After I spoke to Brent that I was Struggling and he gave me some ideas how I can start and create my hybrids.

I started to use markers as a main material, as I have never used them before. I also used Photoshop to create some images in a environment that the hybrid wouldn't belong.

After I finished the brief I felt that I could carry on and just take everything at day at a time and see how these next three years go.

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