Monday 26 April 2010

The Beginning of something new

I should of started this blog at the beginning of the year, but I've been so busy with work and traveling back and forth from home as i still got a job there :/ So... whats happened though the year since i started in September :/ well i got into Huddersfield university and I've moved out of mum's house... sort off :/ i still travel back and forth from Huddersfield but i live here in the beautiful Ashenhurst student village, where i have meet some amazing people. this is so weird from going to one place to another... my life has changed so much ive become stronger and more independent. The course that I'm doing is different from what I was expecting. I wasn't expecting it to be as much hard work as doing my A-Levels in 2009 as everyone was saying that A-level is harder then uni but its only the first year, :) still got 2 more years to go... I've made some friends on my course which have made me laugh, and next year if everything has gone to plan then I will be moving in with the lovely becky roberts which will be a laugh and a great year. I'm planning to be going to New York next year with Uni. I've fallen in love with KIT KATS and CAFFEINE.... I feel like I have gone crazier then I left home and my old life. So thats all I can think of telling you but I'm sure that my images can tell you more then words :/ So be Happy, Don't Worry....

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