Tuesday 1 May 2012

Zombie Cupcakes

A couple of months my friend asked me to do a tattoo for her. I agreed and asked what she would like. It turned out that she wanted a Zombie cupcake. As she is crazy about Zombies and Cupcakes. Here are a few examples of what I designed to show her:
Above are the sketch's I did before I places them on Illustrator.
Emma was not that keen on the ones below:
The ones below are the ones that she liked the most...
She decided to go for the cupcake with the shadow underneath.

Wednesday 18 April 2012

Little White Lies

I was not able to compelet a final piece for when the little white lies deadline. This is a competition brief that I did for my final major project at the University of Huddersfield. This was fun to create and different from what I have done before.

If your not to sure what the company Little White Lies is, it is a magazine based on looking into Films that have been released or the old.

For the brief, we had a chose of 5 films to pick and designed into a front cover. As I had over 6 weeks or so, I decided that I should do all 5 films.

The 5 films are:
Black Swan
Super 8
Tinker Tailor Solider Spy
Tree of Life

Whilst I was talking to tutors they all said the same thing that they had to be kept the same. So here are my designs:

Black Swan
Development and Final:


Development and Final:


Super 8
Development and final:


Tinker Tailor Solider Spy Development and Final:


Tree of life Development and Final:


Tuesday 17 April 2012

Feel Good Drinks

This was a competition brief that I got from the YCN Student competition site. For part of the university project they asked us to pick from two sites and pick a competition to decided.

I decided to this Feel Good Drinks company advertisement as I thought that it would be fun to create a new campaign from the company. Whilst I was doing the research on the company I then found out that they do this competition every year.

I tried to go for a different way of the competition but that turned out as a challenged.

I decided to go for a poster design and place the design in shop windows and bus stop build boards.

Here is one idea:

Another idea:

This is following the first idea but I have made the banana out of card, here are some photos of the shape:

The background is of pencil fruit:

Instead of the background being pencil I decided that it should be done in vector instead:

I think that the examples above is to crowded that I decided to take the background away and then I came up with this ideas:

Gola Time Lapse

University Of Huddersfield Project...

This project is about to create an advertisement camping to re-brand the company. This project wasn't fun at the beginning as I do not no anything about the company apart from that the do bags and that is about it. Then I relised that it was a sports company that focuses on football more then the other sports. Here is the idea that I come up with.

To create this animation, I created it on Flash. This was harder then I thought it would be. It was easier then using Photoshop. Trying to understand and remember the software on Flash, was harder then I thought it. There was the keys and frames to remember but I got there along the way of creating this.

(Images below are not in order):

The animation is on YouTube, please follow the link below to see the animation: