Wednesday 18 April 2012

Little White Lies

I was not able to compelet a final piece for when the little white lies deadline. This is a competition brief that I did for my final major project at the University of Huddersfield. This was fun to create and different from what I have done before.

If your not to sure what the company Little White Lies is, it is a magazine based on looking into Films that have been released or the old.

For the brief, we had a chose of 5 films to pick and designed into a front cover. As I had over 6 weeks or so, I decided that I should do all 5 films.

The 5 films are:
Black Swan
Super 8
Tinker Tailor Solider Spy
Tree of Life

Whilst I was talking to tutors they all said the same thing that they had to be kept the same. So here are my designs:

Black Swan
Development and Final:


Development and Final:


Super 8
Development and final:


Tinker Tailor Solider Spy Development and Final:


Tree of life Development and Final:


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