Tuesday 17 April 2012

Feel Good Drinks

This was a competition brief that I got from the YCN Student competition site. For part of the university project they asked us to pick from two sites and pick a competition to decided.

I decided to this Feel Good Drinks company advertisement as I thought that it would be fun to create a new campaign from the company. Whilst I was doing the research on the company I then found out that they do this competition every year.

I tried to go for a different way of the competition but that turned out as a challenged.

I decided to go for a poster design and place the design in shop windows and bus stop build boards.

Here is one idea:

Another idea:

This is following the first idea but I have made the banana out of card, here are some photos of the shape:

The background is of pencil fruit:

Instead of the background being pencil I decided that it should be done in vector instead:

I think that the examples above is to crowded that I decided to take the background away and then I came up with this ideas:

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