Wednesday 28 April 2010

Life Drawings.

For the past couple of weeks, I have been going to this life drawing classes with my sister, a person from my house and his friends from his course. When I first went there I thought it would be a load of chairs and you'll have to draw that person for ever :/ but it wasn't, it was a laugh to see my sister get so nervous and just be normal about the fact that everybody there is here to have a good time. I cant draw people so i thought that if i still go then it would be a learning thing and a development of my people drawings. For the past two times I've been there has been a bloke. 1 old old and the other was in his 40.

The only reason I'm going is because my sister doesn't want to go on her own :/ but then I had a laugh and that wasn't the reason anymore. I wounder if she'll still go after she's finished her exams.

I'll scan in my bad sketch when i get back home.

Finally, Ive been able to get onto the computer.

here are some examples of what I've been up to whilst I've gone to the Life Drawing Classes.