Wednesday 28 April 2010

Life Drawings.

For the past couple of weeks, I have been going to this life drawing classes with my sister, a person from my house and his friends from his course. When I first went there I thought it would be a load of chairs and you'll have to draw that person for ever :/ but it wasn't, it was a laugh to see my sister get so nervous and just be normal about the fact that everybody there is here to have a good time. I cant draw people so i thought that if i still go then it would be a learning thing and a development of my people drawings. For the past two times I've been there has been a bloke. 1 old old and the other was in his 40.

The only reason I'm going is because my sister doesn't want to go on her own :/ but then I had a laugh and that wasn't the reason anymore. I wounder if she'll still go after she's finished her exams.

I'll scan in my bad sketch when i get back home.

Finally, Ive been able to get onto the computer.

here are some examples of what I've been up to whilst I've gone to the Life Drawing Classes.

Tuesday 27 April 2010


That is all the work that Ive done in the past 9 months, it doesnt seem to be alot of work but Its more then it seems. I"ll be updating the post soon with more information but I thought that I should get all the information that I can remeberand I know where abouts my work is before I start to move files around in my hard drive, like I tend to do when Im bored or just feed up with the hard drive being so messy :)

Julie Martin

The past Two days we've had a two day worth of lectures by Julie. To go into more depth about InDesign. This is what our outcome has turn out to be. Ive learnt abit more about InDesign but not alot. It seems to be less compicated and more manegable to work and use. Here is some designs that was told to follow using InDesign and Two of my own poster Designs. (the Information and Images were in the brief that was given)

Artwork of 2010!

Huddersfield Mascots Research and Outcomes.

Above and Below are some images that I found from to make my terry file. I also found the information from

My Three Final Designs. These are my designs that I've created on illustrator using the Vector tools.

Screen Shots of the orignal copy before I used the Vector tool on them.

Photos of my Rose

Hybrid Art work.

I haven't got my final images that I design. When I get them back I'll post them up as soon as possible.