Wednesday 18 April 2012

Little White Lies

I was not able to compelet a final piece for when the little white lies deadline. This is a competition brief that I did for my final major project at the University of Huddersfield. This was fun to create and different from what I have done before.

If your not to sure what the company Little White Lies is, it is a magazine based on looking into Films that have been released or the old.

For the brief, we had a chose of 5 films to pick and designed into a front cover. As I had over 6 weeks or so, I decided that I should do all 5 films.

The 5 films are:
Black Swan
Super 8
Tinker Tailor Solider Spy
Tree of Life

Whilst I was talking to tutors they all said the same thing that they had to be kept the same. So here are my designs:

Black Swan
Development and Final:


Development and Final:


Super 8
Development and final:


Tinker Tailor Solider Spy Development and Final:


Tree of life Development and Final:


Tuesday 17 April 2012

Feel Good Drinks

This was a competition brief that I got from the YCN Student competition site. For part of the university project they asked us to pick from two sites and pick a competition to decided.

I decided to this Feel Good Drinks company advertisement as I thought that it would be fun to create a new campaign from the company. Whilst I was doing the research on the company I then found out that they do this competition every year.

I tried to go for a different way of the competition but that turned out as a challenged.

I decided to go for a poster design and place the design in shop windows and bus stop build boards.

Here is one idea:

Another idea:

This is following the first idea but I have made the banana out of card, here are some photos of the shape:

The background is of pencil fruit:

Instead of the background being pencil I decided that it should be done in vector instead:

I think that the examples above is to crowded that I decided to take the background away and then I came up with this ideas:

Gola Time Lapse

University Of Huddersfield Project...

This project is about to create an advertisement camping to re-brand the company. This project wasn't fun at the beginning as I do not no anything about the company apart from that the do bags and that is about it. Then I relised that it was a sports company that focuses on football more then the other sports. Here is the idea that I come up with.

To create this animation, I created it on Flash. This was harder then I thought it would be. It was easier then using Photoshop. Trying to understand and remember the software on Flash, was harder then I thought it. There was the keys and frames to remember but I got there along the way of creating this.

(Images below are not in order):

The animation is on YouTube, please follow the link below to see the animation:

Mackinlay's (Shackelton) Whisky

Huddersfield University project. This project was to create a story on the Mackinlays vogue with the whisky. In this project I have created an animation on the vogue. With creating this animation I did it on the adobe photoshop instead of flash as I didnt understand it probably.

First I did some illustrations of the main settings and then I placed all the scans onto photoshop. Lay the images out on the time line and then set the timing out on the tools time line.

To view the video on youtube follow this link: