Thursday 3 March 2011

NEW YORK!!!!!!!!

As part of the University we went on a field trip to the Big Apple. It was amazing. To see the streets and the Yellow Taxi's. To here the cars honk the horns. That echos from the buildings all around. Looking for starbuck's, to get a Tall Latte, only to find it at the end of a street corner. It was a time of a lifetime. I would love to go back and see the things that I missed.

The amazing event of all was to spend my 20th there. To celebrate an event like that but only to find out that I was under age to drink. To have a sliver lining for that I spent most of the time walking around times square at night. To see that there was still people out and about. Just like they was when it was day time.

I couldn't upload all 800+ photos, So I have upload some of the photos that I thought was interesting and could feel the City though the photos.

Crossing Brooklyn Bridge.

This was part of a Round about near the Central Park. It was the only round about that I saw.

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