Monday 6 June 2011

Sizzle the Teddy Bear

Most people that I know has a thing that will remind them of home when they are away. Will mine is at the moment a Teddy Bear named Sizzle (Beany Bear). Me and my friend Nikki decided that we should spend our university hoilday driving around Ireland for a month, And I took her with me. I know that I am copying other peoples idea about the teddy bear going to different places aroung the world. I decided today the 5th day into my trip that I would like to do something similar as something to look back over and laugh about, as well looking at the photos that I have taken.

We started of in Dublin. Which I'm affaid that I didn't take any of sizzle but more of me and nikki. I will be posting of the Tourist photos after my trip as there are some many to upload. In the time begining I am going to try and blog about the places that we have all been.

Our second stop was Kilkenny. A butiful place with losts of historic places to vist. We arrived around 1am and looked around everything in one evening. A small but wounderful place to visit if your interested in coming to Ireland. Then I would say go and stay at the tourist kilkenny hostel, where you will feel welcome and at home.

Today we went to the Tower that over lookes the City. I didn't take any photos of Sizzel as I only decided to do this when I was in a cafe at the Dunmore Caves.

Her she is drinking, A very strong white/black cup of coffe with 3 sugars. George I don't know who you can drink a Large Black coffee, Yuck! But she did drink it all.

After all that drinking need the toilet and what did sizzle see, how to wash you hands probably. Don't understand why would have them posters.

Ah..Finished washing now it is time to go.

The Dunmore cave was interesting but we did miss part of the tour as we were late. We did see most of the cave but didn't find much out about the place.

Back at the Hostel making mischief.

Sizzle and Nikki.

This is all the fun that we are going to have a Kilkenny hopefully will be on our way to Waterford tomorrow to have alot more fun.

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