Friday 5 November 2010

Under Milk Wood

Our frist project.
Under Milk Wood is A Play for Voices by Dylan Thomas. It's different from all the thigs that Ive read and heard. It's about this small town in Wales. The people that live there have different dreams about what they would like there lives to be or about the dead. How there dreams are different from there reality.

We had to design 1 E-Book cover 3 Characters, and a location. Here are my final designs...

E-Book Front cover

Mrs. Ogmore_Pritchard

Miss Polly Garter

Captain Cat


The final designs are the actual size of the Appel Ipod.

I was influenced by Joseph Cornell, how he used 3D objects that he found and then created them into cabinets. I used a draw instead of a wooden cabinets as i couldn't find what i was looking for but I feel the overall designs worked.

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