Tuesday 22 June 2010

Sovio Designs

^Red Wine Label design.

^White Wine Label design.

I have used both Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop to create this effects.

First Year

Whoop whoop. My frist year is over and done with :) im no longer a fresher :/ not that Im complaning I've had a great year. Meeting new friends and starting a new course away from my small close town. I've made it though to my second year with an A, 3Cs and a D. I'm happy with what I've got. Next year is going to be different now that I'm moving in with my friend of my course that I won't get distracted as much as I was in the first year.

Friday 18 June 2010

Gift Bag Design.

This is the first competition that I'm going to do this summer. My first ever one. Even though the deadline isnt till September. I still want it done so that I don't have to worry about it.

I started to look at different gift bag designs to give me some idea what my gift bag could possibly look.

Here are some that I found from google.

I decided that some of this gifts bags have different designs are eye catching and cheeky.

I've decided that I'll make my own (even though it does say in the competition that we do have to make a gift bag) I googled templates for gift bags and I wanted a bag that was different from the normal gift bag you get and i found this webiste with differnt templates.


Ill upload my designs as soon as Im not so busy,


As I need to enter 5 competitions before the end of the summer. I started to look on google trying to find competitions that I liked the sound off.

As I started to get bored and think that I'll have another look in a couple of days. I found this website that caught my eye.

Its about advertising an advert/poster to help save the frogs. The company that has orgasied this campany have done this before in 2008 and 2009.

Ive started to do some research on different types of frogs and the old posters that have entered the competitions.

All the images that I've found are from google and some of the pictures from the previous competition.