Thursday 2 December 2010

Old Picture Books

Here are some Old picture Books that I found on google.

Found them as I looking for some brief ideas for next year that we have to start thinking about them now. So I google into the google search Old storys and this what appeared...

Wednesday 10 November 2010

DSLR Camera

Recently, I have used a DSLR Camera to capture movement.

Here is some photos that I take using one of them...

I placed this photo on Photoshop an i changed the leaves on the photos to create this effect

Friday 5 November 2010

Under Milk Wood

Our frist project.
Under Milk Wood is A Play for Voices by Dylan Thomas. It's different from all the thigs that Ive read and heard. It's about this small town in Wales. The people that live there have different dreams about what they would like there lives to be or about the dead. How there dreams are different from there reality.

We had to design 1 E-Book cover 3 Characters, and a location. Here are my final designs...

E-Book Front cover

Mrs. Ogmore_Pritchard

Miss Polly Garter

Captain Cat


The final designs are the actual size of the Appel Ipod.

I was influenced by Joseph Cornell, how he used 3D objects that he found and then created them into cabinets. I used a draw instead of a wooden cabinets as i couldn't find what i was looking for but I feel the overall designs worked.

Friday 17 September 2010


yesterday I was bored waiting for this package to come. I was designing images and I asked my brother what to draw and he said a pig :/ wierd but I still designed the images on Illustrator. He also said that he wanted to draw a pig :) here is he's drawing.

Wednesday 15 September 2010

have I seen you before?

I have 3 fishes. I've had them since I moved houses and that's when I was 9 or 10. All this years they have been in the same tank. All day long they go round and round. I like to think that they have a memory bigger then 3 seconds, as people say that they only have a short memory span. So this designs I was inspired by them.

tweet too you

Like the mouse Ive designed an owl. I have created this image by using photoshop.

Wednesday 1 September 2010


Some Photoshop experiments

Tuesday 24 August 2010


"I'm forever blowing BUBBLES...."

I decided to experiment on adobe illustrator :) my first few tries I felt that they didn't look like bubbles.

The image below is a the bubbles that I made with the help of an online trial that I found on google.

Here is some more bubbles but in different colours.

Monday 26 July 2010

Zeldacw work

I found this website full of illustrations whilst I was loooking for different competitions to do over the summer and I found this drawing that I thought that was different.

I think that I liked her work because it's different and original that I want my work to be. I like the fact that she has made her own character and showed them in different backgrounds and positions.

Saturday 24 July 2010


Here is a poster design that Ive entered in a competition. I've used photoshop and hand drawen the frog and the world. I know that its nothing speical but I've tried to create something in the little that I've got. Above is some different designs before I picked the bottom of the designs :)