Friday 17 September 2010


yesterday I was bored waiting for this package to come. I was designing images and I asked my brother what to draw and he said a pig :/ wierd but I still designed the images on Illustrator. He also said that he wanted to draw a pig :) here is he's drawing.

Wednesday 15 September 2010

have I seen you before?

I have 3 fishes. I've had them since I moved houses and that's when I was 9 or 10. All this years they have been in the same tank. All day long they go round and round. I like to think that they have a memory bigger then 3 seconds, as people say that they only have a short memory span. So this designs I was inspired by them.

tweet too you

Like the mouse Ive designed an owl. I have created this image by using photoshop.

Wednesday 1 September 2010


Some Photoshop experiments